Sunday, February 15, 2009

Google Adsense

Google Adsense
Clare Lawrence 24th May 2004

Work together with Google and get paid for text adverts on your site.

If you have a website, you can earn extra money by hosting Google adverts, through its Adsense programme.

By pasting a few lines of JavaScript into your site, you'll enable Google to deliver adverts to your visitors. Google's robots analyse the text content of your pages and delivers targeted adverts. In exchange for posting Adverts Google will give you a share of each click.

Your income from Google Adsense varies with the value of the Adwords adverts themselves, which in turn depends on the competitiveness of the keywords selected.

Registering for Google Adsense is very straightforward, the steps being:-

a) Register, you will need your e-mail address and an address to send cheques to.
b) Provide tax information, including a virtual tax declaration.
c) Define the look and feel of your Advert including its size and colour.
d) Create channels, these allow for Google Adsense to be placed on different websites and for the results to be monitored and tracked by site.
e) Using Frames, separate code can be selected for use on a frame site.
f) Copy the code.
g) Block URL's of competitors.
h) Analyse your performance using Google's reporting tools.
i) Bank the Cheque.

Google Adsense can be found at

Google usually take 24-48 hours to give you a response for your first site, once accepted you are free to add Adsense to other sites, provided you stick to the guidelines. These are monitored very closely and enforced rigidly by Google.

Not all sites are suitable for Google Ads and sites such as domain name registration services are not allowed to participate.

Tags: google, domain name registration, domain name registration services, name registration services, adwords, robots, using frames, competitiveness, google adsense, e mail address, text content, advert, tax declaration, reporting tools, adverts, extra money, tax information, cheque This article is free for republishing

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